Did you know?
...if you're still going strong on a New Year's Resolution to eat healthier AND exercise more often, you have OFFICIALLY made it past the BIGGEST drop-off week of the year?!
Research says the 3rd week in January is the week with the biggest statistical drop-off in keeping New Year’s Resolutions.
Whether you've chosen a "resolution" or not, you've probably got a wellness goal in mind for the year, right?
Big BUT….
Being a busy professional is tough. Spending a full day working, taking care of your family, and then trying to find some time for self-care can seem impossible.
How do you take better care of yourself when there are other priorities that require your attention?
Consider making a few, small healthy changes that over time, will add up to a healthy lifestyle.
Here are a few to get you started toward a FIT and Healthy Work Lifestyle...
[Sit to Stand AND Stand to Sit]
Set a work-break timer to alternate between sitting and standing positions. Remember, your body was meant to move!
[Park Far Not Near]
Choose the parking spot that is farthest away from everything. Get in incidental movement and extra steps any way possible.
[Breathe DON’T Verbally Vomit๐ณ]
Stress is a part of life. Instead of complaining to a coworker, try taking a deep breath and focusing on the solution, instead of the challenge.
[Give Yourself a Break]
Don’t burn yourself out. Take breaks to reset and recharge.
[Drink Water]
Drinking water throughout the day can boost your metabolism, enabling you to burn off more calories while you work. One study showed that drinking a half-liter (17 ounces) of water 30 minutes before meals helped people eat fewer calories and lose weight.
[Chew Slowly]
Consider chewing your food more slowly and thoroughly, as studies have shown that chewing more slowly can help you eat fewer calories. Also, make eating a mindful practice. Pay attention to each bite. Notice the texture and savor the flavors of the healthy food you are consuming. Give thanks for the food that you are eating the nutrition you are providing for your body.
Practice mindful eating with this “How-To” audio...
[Exercise Daily]
Schedule in your aerobic, resistance and stretching regimes. Don't forget to add in movement work breaks every 60-90 minutes.
[Walk and Talk]
If you are sitting more than 5 hours a day, you are at a higher risk for chronic disease AND pain. Try walking during your phone calls. Not only does walking improve your health, but it’s also linked to increased productivity.
[Homemade NOT Take-Out]
Make your own clean meals, you'll save money and unneeded extra calories.
Speaking of clean meals, if you need more help, FIT2order's Desk to Dinner Table eCookbook is for the busy professional who needs fast, easy AND simple recipes that "work" for YOUR lifestyle including:
Check it out...
What healthy habits will you try this year?
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