May is Mental Health Awareness Month AND…
We are in a global mental health crisis.
It’s time to give the truth some oxygen.
[Cue in your best flight attendant voice]
“For your safety, oxygen and the air pressure are always being monitored. In the unlikely event of an emergency, an oxygen mask will automatically appear in front of you. Place the mask firmly over your nose and mouth and breathe normally. Secure your mask first before assisting other people.”
Whatever the reason for the spike in mental health issues (eg, increased stress, physical illness, issues at work or at home), shining a light on a problem that needs to be unearthed is a good thing.
Post pandemic, we have an opportunity to pause, put on our oxygen masks and prioritize our mental health at work.
When we are juggling too many responsibilities in and out of the workplace or not taking care of ourselves, there is no way we are giving the attention to or taking care of our responsibilities at the level that we could.
Guarding our mental health is a personal commitment, just like our physical health that requires a strong promise to self-care and self-advocacy.
Self-care is important—even if this care occurs in micro-moments throughout the day. Self-care can often slip to the bottom of the chaotic to-do list but taking care of yourself is not a luxury these days.
It’s a necessity.
Self-care is not about pampering. Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. Although it's a simple concept in theory, it's something we very often overlook.
The FIT2order team would like to invite you to try these easy, micro habits of self-care:
Life-Giving Energy Morning Activities.
Before you start your workday, do something that brings your energy up, something that brings you joy and can set the tone for the day.
Secret Blue Butterflies.
Life is so much sweeter when you focus your attention on someone else. Consider making random acts of kindness a part of your self-care routine.
What is the Secret Blue Butterfly?
The mission is to help pollinate the world with kindness and love.
Mindful moments.
When we practice the art of savoring everyday moments—gazing at a sunset or beautiful flower, enjoying a piece of dark chocolate, or hanging long extra-long to a hug—we allow ourselves to sink into positive emotions like joy, love, and gratitude.
Gratitude Text.
Gratitude is thought to be one of the most healing emotions. Give yourself the gift of feeling grateful by sending one simple text a day to a friend, family member or colleague. Just text something uplifting.
10 Minutes of Sun.
Our bodies were meant to be in the sun, and exposure is good for your well-being. Whether you just stand out in front of your office or combine it with a short walk, getting 10 minutes of sun is good for the soul and a nice shot of Vitamin D.
3 Deep Breaths.
Before you open your computer or while the computer is starting up, close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. Try to stay completely focused on each breath—noticing each inhale, each exhale and the spaces in between.
1 Nutrition Boost. Add 1 easy, healthy food or ingredient to your daily food. Some examples include adding chia seeds to your salad, switching out processed cereal for oatmeal or adding an extra vegetable to your dinner.
Mini-meditation: Body Scan.
Most of us are aware of the many benefits of consistent meditation practice, especially in dealing with daily stress. If you haven’t yet adopted a practice, take one minute a day and do a body scan. You simply close your eyes and bring awareness to the parts of your body, starting with your feet and working to the top of your head. See if you can notice physical sensations like pulsing, vibrations, or warmth.
Journal 1 Sentence. No need to even purchase a journal for this one. Just write one sentence in your daily planner. Done.
Take a Break. Give your eyes, your mind and your spirit a rest even if it’s just for 5 minutes a day.
Research tells us that we can reap the physical and psychological benefits of self-care in small, even tiny moments interspersed throughout our day.
May is Mental Health Month… let’s support our workforce with the tools they need to take care of themselves wherever they are working.
As employees continue to return to the office, FIT2order’s Mental Health First Aid Employee Kit is an opportunity to support your workforce with the tools they need to practice self-care at work with items like Aromatherapy, Therapy Dough, Biodots, and Desk Meditations.
More information about our Healthy@WORK Employee Kits...
1) Raphailia, M. What self-care is—and what it isn’t. PsychCentral Blog. Accessed July 10, 2020.
2) FIT2order Blog. Accessed July 10, 2020
3) Gough, Micro Moments of Self-Care. Welcoa Blog. Accessed July 9, 2020.
4) Stanley, J. The science of savoring. Live Happy Website. Accessed July 10, 2020.
5) Hayes, Louise. What is mirror work? Louise Hay Website. Accessed July 10, 2020.