[+3 easy ways to get your employees to take part in Heart Health Month]
February is American Heart Month. Not only is February a perfect time to express our Valentine’s love friends, family and co-workers, but, perhaps more importantly, it’s an opportunity to express our concern for their heart health.
[Heart disease leads to an average of 13 lost workdays per year per employee.]
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S.; in fact, 1 in 4 deaths are attributed to heart disease. That’s the bad news.
The good news—heart disease is often preventable.
[High Blood Pressure raises and employee’s healthcare costs by nearly one third.]
February provides us an opportunity to re-educate ourselves and our employees on the importance of a healthy heart and to incorporate easy and effective ways to implement heart-healthy habits into your work culture.
[Employees with a cardiovascular disease costs $1,11 more per year in insurance.]
Below are 3 easy ways to get your employees to take part in Heart Health Month:
Desk to Dinner Table eCookBook
Click here for the video: https://health.gov/news/blog-bayw/2018/02/movewithheart-american-heart-month/
Click here for more information about work breaks to move more and stress less during the work day.
For more heart health tips and information, follow FIT2order on social media throughout the month of February.
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