Control Your Cholesterol eLearning Module

Education Beyond the Medication

I want to Control My Cholesterol

Whether previously or newly diagnosed, FIT2order's Control YOUR Cholesterol eLearning Module is designed to help you understand the diagnosis and to provide you with the tools and information to support your new, healthy lifestyle-one that will activate, what we like to call, the Ripple Effect of Health.

Like the ripple on a lake spreading out, each recipe you try, each workout you perform, each piece of information you absorb is an action to a healthier YOU!

Control Your Cholesterol eLearning Module includes self-directed learning and our signature EAT. MOVE. BREATHE. toolkit of condition-specific recipes, workouts, meditations and handouts.

The Control Your Cholesterol eLearning Module has been created by Nationally Certified Lifestyle and Behavior Management Consultants. It is a turnkey program that will give you the education, tools and resources to successfully lower bad cholesterol naturally. 

Access this eLearning module anytime, anywhere, with a computer, tablet or smartphone

Videos, quizzes and interactive content designed for an enjoyable learning experience

Unlimited access

What You Can Expect with FIT2order's Control Your Cholesterol eLearning Module...

EAT Toolkit

The recipes in the EAT Toolkit not only taste great, but their power ingredients can help the body naturally lower LDL and/or raise HDL for cholesterol.


MOVE Toolkit

The exercise videos in the MOVE Toolkit ease participants into a regime of 5 cardio days and 2-3 resistance days with specific videos for this chronic condition.


Stress is connected to every chronic condition, and reducing stress requires a daily practice. The meditations and breath techniques in the BREATHE Toolkit address cholesterol, such as Positive Affirmations for Controlling Cholesterol. 

What People Are Saying About FIT2order's Control YOUR Cholesterol eLearning Module...

Lori B.

"Good information and tips for improving my health!"

Evelyn P.

"I loved that I could work on the module at my own pace in-between work items."

Dawn P.

"My top 3 takeaways from the eLearning module: eat healthy, exercise and reduce stress!"

Control Your Cholesterol eLearning Module

Education Beyond Medication

Access the Control Your Cholesterol eLearning Module



BONUS 1: Lower YOUR Cholesterol Checklist

BONUS 2: 8 Week Walking Program to Lower YOUR Cholesterol

BONUS 3: Positive Affirmations to Lower YOUR Cholesterol

YES, I want to Enroll NOW!

All The Tools You Need to Manage YOUR Chronic Condition(s)

Chronic illnesses plague our sedentary workforce. FIT2order’s chronic condition e-Learning modules are designed to help employees understand their diagnosis and to provide them with the tools and strategies needed to make lifestyle changes that will help them manage and even improve their condition.

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