The Healthy Desk Jockey Blog

You've reached your source for thought leadership on sedentary solutions for the desk-bound--from our analysis of at-work movement and stress management strategies to our take on recent industry happenings to fun FIT tips for a healthy work-lifestyle.

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[Blog FAST Read] The FACTS About Boosting Immunity

May 12, 2020

The contagion of COVID-19 has caused many to re-evaluate their first line of defense against the illness--their immune system. However, a simple internet search on “how to boost your...

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[Blog FAST Read] Working Out at Home

May 11, 2020

We miss our gyms. Our hikes. Our workout tribe. But keeping yourself healthy with regular excise has never been more important for our health, our immunity and our sanity. Yet finding the...

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April's Micro-Wellness Challenge

Apr 30, 2020

Ready to add more Micro-wellness steps to your growing healthy lifestyle?

The guidelines are simple:

  • Something you care about.
  • Something you can do in under 2 minutes.
  • Something too small to fail....
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MICRO-Wellness March: Selfless AND Effective Wellness with Hand washing

Mar 21, 2020

Did YOU know?

The average hand-washing time is 6 seconds, less than half of what is recommended? And only 5% of us regularly wash long and thoroughly enough. 

Time to stop hand spritzing and...

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Make March Your MICRO-Wellness Month

Mar 08, 2020

It’s March.

How are those 2020 wellness resolutions coming along?

Are you making it to the gym 5 days a week?

Are February’s vegetables decomposing into a green slime in your...

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Short and Effective Work Breaks to Increase Productivity

Feb 05, 2020

The Centers for Disease Control supports research advocating the use of work breaks to increase productivity. Researchers explain that strategically disengaging during the day, particularly when we...

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Why Employers Should Leverage Heart Health Month

Feb 03, 2020

[+3 easy ways to get your employees to take part in Heart Health Month]

February is American Heart Month. Not only is February a perfect time to express our Valentine’s love friends, family...

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3 Easy Ways to Move More at Work

Jan 10, 2020

If your work-life is sedentary—whether you’ve been inactive for a while or you’re a FITness fanatic—consider making 2020 your year to MOVE MORE during your work day.


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Stressed at Work? Try this Deep Breathing Technique and Calm Yourself in Seconds

Dec 30, 2019

[Workplace stress is on the rise with 83% of Americans frazzled by something at work]

Most of us don’t need a study to show that we (8 out of 10 of us) are stressed, particularly at work (1)....

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3 Things to Know When Hiring a Worksite Yoga Instructor

Dec 13, 2019

Be-aware of the Difference Between Corporate and Traditional Yoga Classes

The number of employers offering Yoga classes at work has doubled within the past several years (1,2). And it’s no...

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